Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 90457
Pokloni: 70
Prijatelji: 374
28, Ž tražim M, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: 💚 if there was a lip biting emoji .. id being using it all the time ❤️.. Claimed by Tahari
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lol if u say so buddy don't forget to let the judge know ur not smart at all and have a screw loose in ur head while ur at it they may help u more if u tell them that - pre 8 minuta
🙏 Id love for them to have my email or phone number considering I've never used either one here. Also sorry Jade, feel free o delete - pre 8 minuta
when in reality his scare tactic isn't working and just showing how dumb he really is lol - pre 9 minuta
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