MARISSAlIA94 Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 28688
Pokloni: 13
Prijatelji: 43
29, Ž tražim Ž, Calgary, U vezi
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Status: Who can say where the road goes? Where the day flows? Only time And who can say if your love grows As your heart chose? Only time Who can say why your heart sighs As your love flies? Only time
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Finally. I got the dang game to play. Holy took long enough. Epecilly for Days gone to get working. Needed upgrade. Thanks to my sis for getting me an Intel i5-10400F CPU. - pre 12 sati
Thanks. Yes. I listen to that one all the time. I even sing it on the recording studio. It's great. - pre 13 sati
Wow sis great song choice I love enya - pre 13 sati
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Big Barn World