SisBlackDragon Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 3542
Pokloni: 6
Prijatelji: 123
31, Ž tražim S, Lake Cargelligo, Samac
Više podataka
Status: ☫I am born of a time before man, when the world was raw. The wisdom of rocks, fire, earth and blood, is in my veins. For now I live in a world of mists, beyond the reach of mortal man. But the time shall come, when I shall rise again☫
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*she flew all the way to Sheba's basin and carried back a couple pounds of wild berries for Cinder's small friend. Slowly landing on the rocky mountain, the berries fall from her lower jaw* I'm back! - pre 2 dana
I know chase just a bit longer and I'll have something that you just might like but I need some fruit so it could settle your tummy. - 2024-06-28
=peering up at mr. cinder= - 2024-06-28
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