Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 96242
Pokloni: 72
Prijatelji: 368
28, Ž tražim M, Nebitno
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Status: Just wait my next season .. is soon to come!!
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im surprised only 4 out of 10 got the ban - pre 7 sati
Hewe dis a pwesent it a magical pewfume yew make a wish den spway it on yew and it smells da best ever! Me smiles big 😊 - pre 11 sati
Me wun to me Aunty and gib her big hug. Aunty Jadey mes good it good to see yew! Me was just wooking fow me Mama and bestie fwiendie and yew! Me gib yew a Fwench pewfume in a butafow green bottle.+ - pre 11 sati
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