KingChaosDragon Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 6256
Pokloni: 8
Prijatelji: 141
39, M tražim M, Nebitno, Prijavljen
Više podataka
Status: Emperor Chaos -: Divine Sovereign Spirit & Primordial God. Is a Omni-Creator/Manipulator/Kinesis & like-based Powers/Armor/Weapons/Immunity. Omni-Indomitable Will/Spirit/Strength/Immortality. Seeks A Empress & Royal Harem. (Ned Nescis Qui Iam)
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sorry sorry the crazy to enter your CB - pre 37 sekundi
like I said in mail then u should of told me u liked someone else instead of leading me on that night simple - pre 50 sekundi
ffs *rolls eyes* we will see doesnt mean i have any feelings for you ... toughen up i found my happy and thats that. - pre 1 minuta
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