Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 98609
Pokloni: 73
Prijatelji: 371
28, Ž tražim M, Nebitno
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Status: Green can be tasty it's getting the wrapping off that's the challenge
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*she walks into the salon with the girls and sits into the chair beside Jade slipping off her flip flops and dips her own toes into the basin sighing contently* ohhhh I needed this! - pre 2 sati
Calling over bunz n Zaria she then took a seat n dipped her toes in the blue soak the temp just right boiling hot .. steam roaring n jade let out a soft sigh .. ahhh - pre 2 sati
Walks into the shop n nods to her regular technician the small female scurries to get the water ready for a Pedi soak .. oh 2 more love please .. she set up 2 more stations - pre 2 sati
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