StormyDarkness Prijava | Prijava
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Prijatelji: 494
36, Ž tražim S, Dallas, U vezi
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Status: ~I Have A Song Stuck In My Head Playing On Loop And It's Like The Same 2 Lines Over And Over u.u That And Im Tired But Not So There's That!~
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Well, maybe your table shouldn't exist so aggressively! - pre 29 minuta
Wow! You're an actual monster. 💀 *Un-sillies her straws and un-boils her tea* (⁠?⁠・⁠・⁠)⁠σ - pre 30 minuta
Did i just get drive by licked and my table flipped over!? -stands there in shock- o.o - pre 31 minuta
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