Daemon_Targaryen Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 3673
Pokloni: 2
Prijatelji: 140
31, M tražim Ž, Stepstones and Narrow Sea
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Status: Over the centuries house Targaryen has produced both great men and monsters.Prince Daemon was both.
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Prince Daemon is the most experience warrior of his time.he wieides the valyrian steel sword dark sister. A Dragonrider who Dragon is Caraxes,Daemon declared himself king of the stepstones . - 2016-06-30
Daemon Targaryen is a DragonLord he can ride and control Dragons the Targaryens are closer to Dragons then other men's.and have premonition-like dreams that involves Dragons. - 2016-06-18
Daemon is extremely skilled with the valyrian steel sword dark sister.he has crossed swords with many warriors, who used all sorts of weapons and different martial arts techniques. - 2016-06-18
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