Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 119551
Pokloni: 91
Prijatelji: 413
28, Ž tražim M, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: πŸ’š she stare, desire n lustful devotion of a beautiful soul spoke from her eyes ,a silent song sung in there glare that she could get lost in πŸ’š
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Hope you deleted him. Everyone’s doing a Silverwolf blackout. Just removing him on all of his names in a show of solidarity for Minato. - pre 2 sati
My Gremlin! 😚😁☺️😏 - pre 19 sati
πŸ’who told you that? Was it Bonnie? She said she wouldn't tell anyone and help with a cure.πŸ™Š - Juče
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