Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 90467
Pokloni: 70
Prijatelji: 374
28, Ž tražim M, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: 💚 if there was a lip biting emoji .. id being using it all the time ❤️.. Claimed by Tahari
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ur a manipulative lying sack of crap who can't ever be faithful and likes to act like u got power when in reality ur one of the dumbest people iv ever met so say what u want buddy - pre 1 minuta
Themselves, however only those whom has been affected by this behavior will be over seen. A number of users complained against accounts and the activity going on here. - pre 2 minuta
Silverwolf_ you are a danger to social servers as you normalize this kind of behavior with manipulation and insults as a way of self defense. A number of users is active on multiple accounts to defend - pre 4 minuta
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Big Barn World