Tempting_Zahara Prijava | Prijava
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Status: ❄️ Wyntr❄️ 💚Jade💚💜Bunny💜💗Princess💗💛Quinn💛🖤Nev🖤 ❤️Tiny❤️and introducing 😈Demon & Icy❄️🩷Veah_-🩷
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No thank you I don't need to be full of wonders when I'm living the dream your selfish. Worst is when you teach others to roleplay smh. Goodbye Goodluck with the guilt someday. - pre 4 minuta
This is bad for people they focus all day on a screen and not being active, pushing off daily tasks, bad health and hygiene and no real life relationships or achievements to be proud of - pre 6 minuta
Makes my exit .. have a wonderful morning 🌹😎 - pre 6 minuta
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