Tempting_Zahara Prijava | Prijava
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Pokloni: 5
Prijatelji: 62
98, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: *wondering around the waters edge wearing a crimson and black kini with a mesh robe flowing freely behind her, letting her mind wonder* โ„๏ธ ๐Ÿ’™ Wyntr๐Ÿ’™โ„๏ธ
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*giggling she yelled out* use the pink stuff it will get it off. I used old Halloween makeup mi amor lol - pre 35 sekundi
*she would grumble dragging herself out of her childhood bedroom, looking like a train hit her mumbles* can't a sick bunneh rest without commotion??? - pre 3 minuta
"You two I swear" Rushes to the bathroom to wash his face frantically scrubbing to avail "What the... WHY IS IT NOT COMING OFF?" - pre 15 minuta
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