MARISSAlIA94 Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 22149
Pokloni: 6
Prijatelji: 34
29, Ž tražim Ž, Calgary, Nebitno
Više podataka
Status: I am here not there. I love I give I sacrifice my heart to the one I love. I give everything I can give. I love her with all I can and have to offer. She is my dream and my soul mate. She is all I could ever desire in a woman. Her love is pure as gold. I
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Happy for you🌹 - pre 3 dana
Congracs - 2024-06-07
I am in love I am high on love life is special love is peaceful love is caring sharing and giving. Give all I have to the one I truly love. - 2024-05-21
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