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Prijatelji: 68
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Status: ❄️ Wyntr❄️ 💚Jade💚💜Bunny💜💗Princess💗💛Quinn💛🖤Nev🖤 ❤️Tiny❤️and introducing soon 😈Demon & Icy❄️
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*arms wrapping around his neck hands folding upon his back as he picked her up and spun her sapphire gaze locked upon his, lids falling shut as he captured her lips* - pre 3 minuta
Wraps arms around her waist spins her in place as the song comes to its end places his lips to hers - pre 6 minuta
*giggling as she watched him, moving her hips as he walked closer to her* I love it mi amor - pre 15 minuta
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