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Status: ❄️ Wyntr❄️ 💚Jade💚💜Bunny💜💗Princess💗💛Quinn💛🖤Nev🖤 ❤️Tiny❤️and introducing 😈Demon & Icy❄️🩷Veah_-🩷
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You’re overgeneralizing your experience. Just because you had a bad time somewhere once doesn't mean that all roleplay communities are bad or toxic. I'd suggest some CBT therapy to help you. - pre 3 minuta
Not everyone who roleplays on this site is some weird, emotionally damaged individual. Some of us like D&D and Warhammer and can write well. If that's not for you, then leave. No one cares. - pre 6 minuta
Some of us are here because we’re writers. Like that, my literal profession and it started because I roleplayed on this site. It honed my writing skills to a point I could make it a 6 figure career. - pre 7 minuta
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