Komentari korisnika Jade_VinRouge (200) Prijava | Prijava
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Typist would in an instant if she trusted others with her babies lmao.. you'll always be my favorite of the two though. You're my Sweet Girl 💚 - pre 23 minuta
Of course.. but u also have Daddie .. even tho I loverz u most lol - pre 2 sati
Well he will have to understand I was here 1st 😜 and I'm an everlasting one 🤣😂 - pre 2 sati
Hay beautiful lady happy for you and Demon - pre 2 sati
Good morning.. was the raspy whispered heard and she cleaned the small bit of drool from the corner of her lip n smile as she hoped she didn't just dream him - pre 3 sati
💚 - pre 4 sati
(c reach up gliding my fingers through your hair tracing my fingers tip slowly down your spine over and over again before leaning down kissing your forehead whispering against it- good morning - pre 4 sati
-making sure not to wake you as I'd continue to stare admiring how beautiful she was and just how lucky I am to have her knowing I made her feel safe and content made me sigh softly as I'd reach (c - pre 4 sati
-laying in bed one arm tucked behind my head as a pillow he tracing along my chest put me into a deep till the alarm would go off quickly reaching over shutting it up while staring down at you (c - pre 4 sati
I had to block silver the other day. All i saw was silverwolf in feeds - pre 10 sati
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