shannonmarie2020 Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 354859
Pokloni: 328
Prijatelji: 6
43, Ž tražim M, Wooster, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: ♤♤ I can't help imagining how much awesomer the world would be if your dad had just pulled out♤♤ 🤭
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View but you guys will end bk together u always do ..Either change the situation or deal wit the bull 💩 - pre 14 sati
Solo don't you ever come to my pro and act like ur all tht when ur hiding behind a fake pro wit no pic ..go bk to ur mommas basement and **** cuz thts all you will ever get 🤣 - pre 14 sati
Tired of the merry go round bs with her I'mflat owt tired tired - pre 15 sati
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Big Barn World