Disgrace Prijava | Prijava
Pol: Žensko
Tražim: Muškarce
Zemlja: United States
Opis: A torrent of loose waves, cocoa in hue, cascade to mid shoulder. Iliana, standing 5'6 in height, is endowed with a petite frame, almost frail in appearance. Enchanting optics, crystalline in hue, flash silver in certain light.
Etnička pripadnost: bijelac
Konstitucija: Fit
Pušačke navike: Povremeno
Konzumiranje alkohola: Društveno
Obrazovanje: Post-diploma
Plata: > 1200€
Religija: Spiritual
Politika: Member of a party
Interests A plump pout and round eyes gave off an innocent illusion which contracted her dominant personality, luring her victims in. [Backstory in name picture - Abilities in aptly named picture.]