dmbstmbs Prijava | Prijava
Pol: Žensko
Tražim: Nebitno
Grad: Bayou La Batre
Region: Alabama
Zemlja: United States
Opis: blond hair,blue eyes stands 5"4,wears a crystal neckless that can show the world wind current,and sword that can multiply into many swords of wind and some times have multi personall. hides goddess form which has wings under human, non-fighter
Bračno stanje: Samac
Etnička pripadnost: bijelac
Visina: 155-156 cm
Konstitucija: Nekoliko kilograma viška
Pušačke navike: Nemojte pušiti
Konzumiranje alkohola: Ne pije
Obrazovanje: Srednja škola
Zaposlenje: queen of her made world
Plata: 200-400€
Politika: Follow on the news
Interests name airaka game rpgs, anime, rps as lots of different things