Carter71 Prijava | Prijava
Pol: Muško
Tražim: Žene
Region: Alberta
Zemlja: Canada
Opis: Black wolf wit silver ears and tipped tail. Golden eyes that change color at will. Can heal self and others. Can orb, shimmer, flame and shadow walk. Is an elemental. Has telekineses, telepathy, empathy and levitation
Bračno stanje: Samac
Etnička pripadnost: bijelac
Visina: 152-154cm
Konstitucija: Prosječna
Pušačke navike: Nemojte pušiti
Konzumiranje alkohola: Društveno
Obrazovanje: Viša škola
Zaposlenje: Customer service
Plata: 0-200€
Religija: Believer
Politika: No interest
Interests Human form: brwn hair eyes. Wears blk tshirt, jeans, leather jacket and boots. Tattoos moon crescent on l.shoulder and flames on r.wrist. Weapons 2 blades strapped to bk and a dagger strapped to l.leg