South Australia(0) Prijava | Prijava
Chat Room: South Australia
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RAI-G  36 M
Whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes. It is what it is.
RAI-G  36 M
Anything forced is just not worth fighting for
RAI-G  36 M
Conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love.
RAI-G  36 M
The biggest lesson I've learned this year is to not force anything,
RAI-G  36 M
I just regret the time I have wasted with the wrong people.
RAI-G  36 M
I don't regret my past
Brad2024  40 M
Any one want to chat pm me
DEE-EL  37 M
Back to fresh start again new pro after so long so needing fresh convo
DEE-EL  37 M
Back to fresh start again new pro after so long so needing fresh convo
Brad2024  40 M
Any one want to chat pm me
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