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Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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So I can sing them all my songs and I can tell them stories
I'm still learning about life my woman brought children for Me
Redbullt  18 M
hulk in that mike screen name
Mississippi_-  102 Ž
good morning everyone
Mike-198  90 M
Lol well got a Dr appointment bbl
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
They don't let their feelings get in the way of making smart choices.
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
They make good decisions, even when things get tough.
Mike-198  90 M
If you say so Google everything you're writing is from Google
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
Capricorns are really practical and smart
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
I'm really smart
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