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Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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No wonder you turned out the way you did
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
Still Christmas in July, dude. Lol tc mate
Oh wait she did benefit from it. She used it to get wasted
Imback1999  24 M
December! šŸ¤¦Anyway TC ppl n have a grand night!
Imback1999  24 M
Rather late. I wish you all a good night n a merry christ- oh nvm that's in
She probably used you kids to get welfare and benefit from it
Imback1999  24 M
Anyway I'm sure there r ppl lining up to chat to each other n it's getting
And I should care why? It's her $$ going down the gurgler not mine
Imback1999  24 M
After all, she's actually had kids. 6 of them.
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