Shane_Saladin Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 3276
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Prijatelji: 26
99, M tražim Ž, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: Leader of the TTC and Master to KatyaTheServant, May Chaos And Anarchy Guide Us To Glory, Vanny Why am I up!
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remainder along with it* okay bad fawking idea I'm sorry x..x - pre 3 minuta
*shrugging her shoulders she would take a bit before chewing completely she looked around for something to spit in, walking over to the trash can she spat the remaining out of her mouth tossing the C - pre 4 minuta
Bad *she asked as she was about to take a bite of her own* no espresso - pre 6 minuta
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Big Barn World