penderazoun Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 8548
Pokloni: 4
Prijatelji: 117
32, M tražim Ž, Memphis, Samac
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Status: because its stupid and has no meaning to it other than grownups who obviously arent ready to growup the group or w.e aint even real! if u are a so called or even friends with anybody thats a lnl/mmk u will not get accepted, get real then get at me!!!! :l
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Social Butterfly
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Ostavi komentar:
Hey is not a greeting. Horses and Cows eat Hay. - 2024-06-01
28 NO ty NOT interested, don't wanna chat/talk.. - 2020-06-08
If u have gotten a message from me in the past it wasn’t me illl explain that when I message me!! - 2019-03-27
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Big Barn World