Tempting_Zahara Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 9774
Pokloni: 5
Prijatelji: 57
98, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: Always enjoyed having a cold heart tis what made me... Me. Having your heart frozen by ice because his name engraved it's self there until the heart decays ๐Ÿ’™โ„๏ธ Wyntrโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’™
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with a twist of her wrist she would turn the knob to open the closet door* - pre 59 minuta
*returning home after her nightly run she would head towards her closet to grab some fresh clothes to shower, moving rather swiftly r.hand rose to the knob upon the door C - Pre 1 sata/sati
For Zahara to find when she comes home - pre 5 sati
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