dmbstmbs Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 193580
Pokloni: 251
Prijatelji: 393
30, Ž tražim S, Bayou La Batre, Samac
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Status: some one buy me 10 game add on for steam
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I explained if she wished to be petty, I had no issue matching and escalating. She demanded I appease her ego, and I refused. - pre 14 minuta
VFor the record, goddess, she thought I had removed her when in truth I had not. Ahat likely happened was airg bugged out as it does. I explained it to her, and she insisted I had done her wrong.< - pre 15 minuta
she kisses her back just as deep lovin her taste an supple unforgettable petals she licks her lips once she pulled back a flush across her facials "ill be waitin for you my delicious enchanted rose" - pre 13 sati
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