Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 119846
Pokloni: 91
Prijatelji: 413
28, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: 💚 she stare, desire n lustful devotion of a beautiful soul spoke from her eyes ,a silent song sung in there glare that she could get lost in 💚
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Good morning.. was the raspy whispered heard and she cleaned the small bit of drool from the corner of her lip n smile as she hoped she didn't just dream him - pre 22 minuta
💚 - pre 24 minuta
(c reach up gliding my fingers through your hair tracing my fingers tip slowly down your spine over and over again before leaning down kissing your forehead whispering against it- good morning - pre 25 minuta
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