Len-444_ Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 3279
Pokloni: 3
Prijatelji: 100
58, M
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Status: Bloody angels fast descending moving on an ever bending light. Phantom figures free forever on a shadow shining ever bright. NEON NIGHTS..... Black Sabbath
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I'm GD I'm not even here like that anymore y'all jst NOT WORTH the headaches and NONSENSE anymore, I pass, I'm GD, don't need a CHATLINE to get a MAN!.. - pre 3 sati
Hot hot hot!!! You are on fire! - Juče
How are you doing will like to get to know you better and if you don’t mind you can text me at my gmail on julieetgary122@gmail.**** or Zangi on **** hope to hear from you soon - pre 7 dana
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Big Barn World