WyntrFenix Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 12163
Pokloni: 36
Prijatelji: 89
102, M tražim Ž, Barrow, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: Pure Blooded Phoenix. Father to Jade Vinrouge. (Pro still in development)
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upon his shirt as toes lowered feet moved backwards towards her home* -mail- - Pre 1 sata/sati
*nimble digits walked up his chest through his shirt as he stepped closer, twisting the neck of the shirt into her grasp she pushed upon toes as she leaned towards him whispering* this way *tugging C - Pre 1 sata/sati
"Zahara huh? Nice name. I think I'll be able to help with you situation" he stood tall with a confident smirk displayed on features taking steps closer "lead the way" - Pre 1 sata/sati
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