Komi_Shouko1 Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 1961
Pokloni: 1
Prijatelji: 11
27, Ž tražim M, Oženjen/udata
Više podataka
Status: RP only She has a communication disorder and is bad at communicating with people. she is incapable of socializing with others to such a level that it can be called a communication disorder. She is unable to utter a word or sound
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She is under my protection start on her you deal with me and others mf - Juče
Calls ppl you dont know sickos ... Do you even know who ppl are? you have no shame starting drama on pplz cb fug off back to the sewers where you crawled out from you piece of $hit - Juče
dude f off komi done nothing to you get a fing life oh wate if you do you just go to jail siko - Juče
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