Tempting_Zahara Prijava | Prijava
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Prijatelji: 50
98, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: 🩵💙 Wyntr 💙🩵 *sits upon swing which over looked the river, pale blue sundress flowing at the hem sapphire gaze shining* Father I found him *lowering her head she whispered* wherever you are
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Smells the Java the robust scent awaking her as she then took a sip made just the way she like with cream n sugar . Mmm .. nothing like a good cup of joe ☺️ - pre 50 sekundi
Wakes from my slumber wearing green bunny slippers and her polka dot tank n shirt combo zombie mode ... Coffee .. I need coffee . - pre 9 minuta
pushing upon tips of toes she rose to press a soft kiss upon his cheek* come inside and relax love - pre 57 minuta
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