Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
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Status: If you could touch me once n leave your mark where would it be ? And why? πŸ’šβ˜ΊοΈπŸ’š
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((Late response to the Sailing comment.)) "Haha, Very Funny, Jade." n__n "Now, as a Car, I do not actually go Sailing, but, by utilizing my Aquatic Synthesizer, I can skim along the water's surface?" - Pre 1 sata/sati
*parted petals press into the icing of the given cupcake, before she would, if allowed, press them against jades right cheek, leaving a kiss mark of icing* n.n thank you for the cuppycake - pre 9 sati
hi jade -leaves jade a pack of green oreos halloween edition- - pre 9 sati
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