Tempting_Zahara Prijava | Prijava
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98, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: 🩵💙 Wyntr 💙🩵 *sits upon swing which over looked the river, pale blue sundress flowing at the hem sapphire gaze shining* Father I found him *lowering her head she whispered* wherever you are
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moving towards them she gave them a sniff before beginning her day* - pre 23 minuta
always her favorite and well with visitors it was nice to have on hand, spotting the vase of assorted roses a smile pulled at her pout along with her heart "mi amor" was all she whispered as she C - pre 23 minuta
*stiring from slumber, sapphire pool dule in color as she moved from her bed sleepily heading towards her kitchen as she smelled the coffee perking she herself didn't drink it but the aroma was C - pre 25 minuta
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