CM_Bisping Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 51353
Pokloni: 74
Prijatelji: 447
96, M tražim Ž, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: How the hell are you that old & still can’t tell a ****boy from a good man?! How, Sway?! You that & still keep falling for the same lines?! You still think that a good looking man means he’ll treat you good?! What in all of the finest ****s is goings
Želiš da budeš prijatelj?

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“Get em!” - pre 46 minuta
Nope nothing to say here o.o - pre 14 sati
Stalking bitches isn’t cool. Leave that hoê alone. Some dudes be like, “she blocked me she wants to play hard to get!” - pre 17 sati
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