Zynoa_Stargold Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 81305
Pokloni: 340
Prijatelji: 489
98, Ž tražim S, Thunder_Inn, Oženjen/udata, Prijavljen
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Status: Alpha female personality. Bahamut's chosen Knight. AoP Honorary Knight. Now full Commanding Jedi knight. Balancing force. Inducted as Lordess of light. Owner of Thunder Inn. Shinigami powers ♥️Taken.♥️
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with both hands, presenting it like some kind of offering. "I just thought, you know, I've using the Inn's kitchen so much. I’d bring you something. A thank you gift." - - pre 10 minuta
to make a good impression. The last thing she wanted was to come across as awkward, though knowing her luck, that was probably inevitable. She offered a nervous laugh and held up the wicker basket - - pre 12 minuta
- pre 20 sati
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