Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 92219
Pokloni: 71
Prijatelji: 376
28, Ž tražim M, Samac
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Status: 💚 my cheeks remain a constant crimson because of him ❤️.. Claimed by Tahari
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Ever find yourself tossing back and forth throughout the night with no possible sleep because your mind is playing the same song, over and over again? - pre 18 minuta
"Is just a rather nasty headache" Itqal half smiled. "Thanks for worrying though" - pre 34 minuta
*sends a text to Jade apologizing for being so late with her father returning and informing her they was on their way to give the fur babies lovins for her* - pre 2 sati
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