WyntrFenix Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 15441
Pokloni: 39
Prijatelji: 97
102, M tražim Ž, Romesion, U vezi
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Status: Pure Blooded Phoenix. Father to Jade Vinrouge💚.Mated to Zahara 💜(Pro still in development)
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Submerged in water he smiles mouthing words "I got the hair" releasing his hold of her - pre 55 minuta
*releasing a loud squeal as he jumped up scaring her she giggled before a laughing scream came as he fell back with her, taking and holding her finally breath before going under* - Pre 1 sata/sati
Once close enough in a swift motion he jumps up wrapping both arms around her frame falling backwards submerging them both - Pre 1 sata/sati
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