DogGoWoof Prijava | Prijava
Pol: Muško
Tražim: Žene
Region: California
Zemlja: United States
Opis: A towering and bulky alpha. 9ft tall and 350 pounds of muscle. Body sculpted to perfection, as is keen abilities of speed, agility, awareness, and strength.
Bračno stanje: Samac
Etnička pripadnost: Crnac/Afrikanac
Visina: 150-151 cm
Konstitucija: Fit
Pušačke navike: Nemojte pušiti
Konzumiranje alkohola: Ne pije
Obrazovanje: Osnovna škola
Plata: 0-200€
Religija: Atheist
Politika: No interest
Interests Either on the hunt or to breed. Dwelling in the shadows, observing all around.