D3mmytaz Prijava | Prijava
Pol: Muško
Tražim: Žene
Grad: Manchester
Region: New Hampshire
Zemlja: United States
Opis: if you are from Nigeria and Ghana do not request me
Bračno stanje: Samac
Etnička pripadnost: bijelac
Visina: 152-154cm
Konstitucija: Prosječna
Pušačke navike: Pokušavam prestati
Konzumiranje alkohola: Društveno
Obrazovanje: Viša škola
Zaposlenje: disability
Religija: Believer
Politika: No interest
Interests to have a beautiful woman that does not lie and not from Ghana or Nigeria because I will not accept because I am for real and I don't lie you ask me a question and I tell no lie