Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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DrBrownskin  55 M
Ok.make sure U charge by the hour and do Girlfriend experiences for extra
AUnique1  44 F
Witchie-  99 F
Yes i did thx ..well im going back to work ..ttyl andy
DrBrownskin  55 M
Trolling? Are U special? He's not trolling you are πŸ™„
Jasoncrystal  53
And what you doing atm dane
AUnique1  44 F
Old flame last
Jasoncrystal_  53 M
So sadπŸ˜‚
DrBrownskin  55 M
He Witchie sleep well?
Jasoncrystal_  53 M
53 Oldman trolling on chatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
DrBrownskin  55 M
And?who cares how old he is
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