Personal Info

Tips & Etiquette

Personal Info
Caution: Strangers
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Personal Info

Don’t disclose personal information. Information like your full name, workplace, phone number and email address can be used to identify where you live. Never share this information online and don’t be afraid to refuse if asked.

Protect your passwords. Never give out your passwords or any information that might give others clues about your passwords. Use a combination of letters and numbers for your password to make it difficult for others to guess.

Post non-revealing photos online. Be careful not to reveal too much information about yourself through your photos. Any photos you post online or on a mobile site could be there forever.

Be aware of who can view your information. Your personal profile can help you communicate with your friends but it can also make you the subject of unwanted attention. Any information or photos you post online could potentially be shared or viewed by anyone. Think about this before you upload any personal information.

Think before you post. Don’t post any messages that you aren’t comfortable saying in public. What you post online could be stored permanently by others.

Don't respond to cyberbullies. If someone is sending you messages that upset you, don’t respond to them. Report them to a trusted family member, friend or the authorities who can do something about it.
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