Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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Renbuzzsaw  37 M
"(Coughing) it's a big country..."
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
"Are these cigarettes yours?" "I am in flavour country' "BOTH OF THEM??"
Imback1999  24 M
Imback1999  24 M
Which one?
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
When homer smokes patty and Selma's ciggies to save their jobs
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
I dunno why but I'm reminded of a Simpson's quote
Imback1999  24 M
Crazy times. Lol.
Imback1999  24 M
I noticed there's some Adelaide weather in the South East of Melbourne.
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
Broken Hill is the same time zone in Adelaide despite being in NSW
Imback1999  24 M
Insightful. Yea I looked up on the clocks app n yea pretty much.
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