Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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Bogan  50 M
I'm a failure at failing lol.
Bogan  50 M
Tried to fail it. But I'm a failure at Tryna fail lol prefer tattoo courses
Bogan  50 M
Prison officer training program unfortunately I passed 96% out of 100
Tully795  48 M
Get traffic control Bogan 37 a hour plus living away paid for
AUnique1  44 F
Bogan  50 M
Done one course passed but can't say what it was it's shame job course
Bogan  50 M
Completed all my courses with 92% pass rate 1 more course left
Bogan  50 M
Morning Bogans and Boganettes. I have a sore back
AUnique1  44 F
Weirdo are online all day every day 😳🙄✌️
AUnique1  44 F
Explain why I'm not online all day
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