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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
House-Money - 2024-06-23
The only thing have left is the election hasn't happen yet. That would be true and if you look through history there has never been a convicted felon elected and that isn't by accident
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Well Charlie I'm not in sales
 67 M
ChanelNo_5 - 2024-06-23
Funny how Charlie knows the date the benefits r coming although he doesn't get them right.
 44 F
supereddie - 2024-06-23
I'm to old to take the chance. I'm to old to go back to the big house.
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
And I didn't pay in a whole lot in social security. See living back in my day doing houses they didn't hold out income txx
 67 M
silly-willy - 2024-06-23
That mental midget just contradicted himself on everything he has ever said about white people. lol, a true mental midget for sure 👍
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Fact is most jobs out in the country don't hold txxs
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Right now democrats are registering illegals to vote. I knew they would cheat. They got to keep power or they lose millions. They can't make on the salary they get for their government jobs and live like millionaires
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Charlie your ripping yourself off voting democrat
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
The younger black know this that's why they are voting for Trump
 67 M

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