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Well Hello
Missy_Lynn75 - 2023-11-06
Puff Puff
 49 F
Partycharlie - 2024-05-12
Same here why you think I stop talking cel I'm moving on now
 59 M
Partycharlie - 2024-05-12
If you listen what's being said it sounds like the sandwich threads terry started talking about food
 59 M
Missy_Lynn75 - 2024-05-12
Happy Mother's Day Charles
 49 F
Partycharlie - 2024-05-12
Who ever you are happy mother's day to you too
 59 M
Missy_Lynn75 - 2024-05-13
How was ur Mother's Day?
 49 F
N/A - 2024-05-13
Happy Mother's Day, Missy. Hope u had a nice one. Mine was good. Nice we're all getting along. Hope u and Dare can find peace privately. I had to leave work. Sick with a cold. RH probably cursed me kidding
N/A - 2024-05-13
Charlie, I hope u had a great Day with your wife
ashleybarrone69 - 2024-05-13
Hello everyone 🌹
 37 F
Partycharlie - 2024-05-13
Ty eva yea everything going good poor word boy not getting much respect for a guy that think he the man! Eva leave that man alone lol
 59 M
Partycharlie - 2024-05-13
 59 M

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