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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
Davidpeterson30 - 2024-04-13
I would love to see Biden debate Trump if you watch Trump talking to the news reporters you would think he was president and Joe Biden was gone so Biden is ridiculous his brain is gone
Stalin21 - 2024-04-13
They have a meaningless document that was signed as part of an NDA. That's what the money bought Trump. It's actually evidence against him
x_zamez_x - 2024-04-13
Did you watch the interview with the republican House intelligence chair yet davie ? You need to be better informed about who you're voting for . Lol
 49 M
Stalin21 - 2024-04-13
You're the biased one. And, like gouty, just a massive whiner. It's entertaining to watch you two 'morans' twisting and turning for your orange buffoon master
supereddie - 2024-04-13
Leave it too me to solve the border crisis. All these working age young men seeking asylum. Let train them in the military stick a gun in their hand and let them fight for their freedoms like we did. Teach them to stand on their own two feet. And take back their country. All together now...oh say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we held
 67 M
Stalin21 - 2024-04-13
You never fought for anything. Apart from welfare payments
supereddie - 2024-04-13
Did that English bloke just call me a whiner. How dare he insult an American is such a fashion. After we saved his country in both world wars.
 67 M
Stalin21 - 2024-04-13
You're a whiner, a sponger and a liar. Everyone knows that
supereddie - 2024-04-13
I know he favors Russia by using the name Stalin. But ask yourself will we save you when Russia goes into your country like they are doing in Ukraine. We be to broke to send money to help. You tell all these newly immigrants they will have to fight for their new country and the Exodus back to Mexico and south America will be so great it will throw the earth off it's axes
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-13
If I'm a sponger would I be sleeping in my car
 67 M

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