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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
Tower7-G - 2024-04-22
It is only obvious Trump wants America to collapse before the election. Anyone who doesn't know that is a brainwashed bigot
Tower7-G - 2024-04-22
If you sit around all day thinking Trump wants good things for America you are a anything thinking fool like sanunu and Barr you are that lie that gives a brainwashed bigot oxygen you are the fuel that keep the lie alive
Tower7-G - 2024-04-22
First off Trump has never got 51% of America and we know damn well 51% is the pipe dream the southern strategy they would accomplish lmmfao your fn ceiling is 46.7% you can't even get to the 47% that mitt said paid no taxes lmmfao you ppl will lose elections for the next 20 years
Tower7-G - 2024-04-22
But you got the Supreme Court
Tower7-G - 2024-04-22
They run ppl into the arms of the Democratic party lmmfao
supereddie - 2024-04-22
The only snow ball is the one Joe gets in prison See you take Trump immunity you also take Joe's.
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-22
Without the FBI and every government agency protecting Biden he will be sitting on prison soon after he leaves office. All the money he took from other countries will be spent on lawyers. Jill will divorce him and live off his off shore account money. Where the bulk of his money is hidden.
 67 M
Stalin21 - 2024-04-22
You really do live in a fantasy world, gouty. Silly old man
supereddie - 2024-04-22
And you Tower will be living in MAGA country. I think you will like it more than the way you live now. You just don't know it yet. If you need some lessons I will be willing to teach you.
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-22
Not you Stalin. Your to old to learn for one thing. And I would have to fail you.
 67 M

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