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R@w is W@r Wwe 247
GucciTarentino - 2013-12-06
Latest news, general questions,reviews or thoughts on the state of world wrestling entertainment
 40 M
ilovewhitegirls - 2018-08-25
For all you Shield fans rumor is they won’t last long as Dean Ambrose will now become jealous of the other 2 guys holding titles.
 63 M
mike276 - 2018-08-25
Skincare Nakamura
 43 M
mike276 - 2018-08-25
I'm down for Ambrose destroying the other 2
 43 M
mike276 - 2018-08-25
How long they gone keep jobbing Finn? Ok you're determined to keep the universalshit on your fave then atleast have Finn win the IC title from Seth ... Maybe even a feud that'll later become the Bullet club vs the shield
 43 M
ilovewhitegirls - 2018-08-25
Mike you need to go work for WWE creative team
 63 M
ilovewhitegirls - 2018-08-27
There was a rumor that they were going to reunite Bray with Braun and Harper to have a showdown with The Shield due to Rowan getting hurt again but I think it’s just a rumor.
 63 M
Moman - 2018-08-27
Paul Heyyman to possibly manage Roussey
 111 M
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
They had an opportunity to do something great with the shield Wyatt feud years back and botched it miserably. Now considering it's a rumour i think they just need to quit with this bull ish already the chance they had to do something with it they ruined it burying the wyatts so ytf as a fan would I now wanna rehash the inevitable burial again? Bray on decline Rowan n Harper never got much love & bottom line tdgaf about nobody but the shield
 40 M
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
Now Ambrose is about to pull a Seth Rollins? So all this hype around the shield reuniting was for I suppose basically burying the roster so reigns could get over with the fans (which he still failed)wow lmao. same poor creative thinking same narrative smh
 40 M
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
What makes these fools think ppl wanna keep seeing that bull ish? Ain't nothing interesting about seeing the same ppl feud & what's sad is they feuding over having the most successful careers verses the lock room they buried !!!!Yeah I'm good on that bull ish & yeah if I was balor I'd do a Neville n dip they did him dirty af
 40 M

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