Fireworks are coming
JilllovesCarter - 3 days ago
Some years they start a week b4 the 4th. Were getting some rain so it will hold them off alittle longer this year. How early do they start where you live? And do you see them from your yard? I do. I can sit out on my porch and watch. But I just don't like what it does to my little fur baby
DomesReturn - 3 days ago
Around freaking April, I'm dead ash!! 😆
 35 F
JilllovesCarter - 3 days ago
Jewish4eva2024xx - 3 days ago
I've been hearing fireworks since June 1st
Cel6 - 3 days ago
If you live in Orlando Florida close to Kissimmee Florida you would hear fireworks every day at 9:00 p.m. from pleasure Island.
 48 M
Southeastdc - 3 days ago
In D.C. they are legal yr round so you hear them daily🤷🏾‍♂️. The 4th is simply a Monument celebration that nobody attends but tourist. We light ours on our street whenever we feel like it.
 54 M
Seventy-Three - 2 days ago
Mostly we save ours up for the festivities, which will be this weekend and on, pretty much
 45 M

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